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Robotfun Academy is an approved Certifying Organization for the President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA).

What is the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)?

The PVSA is a prestigious national honor offered in recognition of volunteer commitment. Established in 2003, this award honors individuals and groups who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to volunteer service over the course of 12 months. Service hours can be accumulated on a variety of projects throughout the year. The national program is run by the AmeriCorps program and the Points of Light Foundation.

What is the benefit of earning the President's Volunteer Service Award?

The President's Volunteer Service Award highlights your commitment to serving the community and the nation. This award not only improves your resume for future college or scholarship applications, but also allows you to inspire others to follow in your footsteps – to contribute to their communities through volunteer service and to make volunteer service a central part of their lives.

What is counted towards a PVSA certified by Robotfun Academy?

  • Helping a teacher (even if the teacher is related to student) set up their classroom for the year during non-school time counts 

  • Helping the teacher clean up, sort, and organize class materials count

  • A student who serves as a junior or assistant instructor, coach, or camp counselor may be able to count time spent teaching classes to younger students, if there is no in-kind compensation. The student coach/teaching assistant/counselor must not receive any benefits such as free or reduced tuition/class fees, or other no-cost benefits. 

What does NOT count toward a PVSA certified by Robotfun Academy?

  • Paid service of any kind, including stipends.

  • Any time spent traveling to and from a service site or sleeping or eating while at Robotfun Academy.

  • Needs to be hand-on volunteer service. Any playing time, self-entertainment time do not count.

  • Generally, time spent attending or organizing activities for a Robotfun program do not count, unless those activities benefit a community need.

  • Fundraising. Hours spent on fundraising activities for Robotfun own organization cannot be counted as service. However, efforts expended to raise money for another charitable organization, such as a car wash or lemonade stand to raise funds for the animal shelter or cancer society, could be counted.

Please contact us at if you would like to be a volunteer.

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